It had been a great cross country year so far. Joe, Dillan, and Alex would run neck-and-neck and finish one right after the other. The friendly competition was good for them, and it was fun to watch which one would finish first this time. It was race day, and they were mentally stoked. Focused. Warmed up and ready. They’d been finishing in the top ...

Discouragement. It seems to be lurking around every corner and hiding behind every tree. At times I go for weeks and months without a hint of it. Then…..there are seasons I go to bed feeling like a failure and wake up in a deeper hole than the night before. Can I get a witness? Discouragement has an assignment – intimidate us into ...

Discouragement has been my archenemy lately, and it’s tiring to keep fighting it. And I have a hunch that it’s not just my heels it’s dogging. As I look around at my family and friends and church members, I see its unrelenting assault everywhere. The temptation is to surrender. Give up. Quit. Don’t. Don’t be depressed. Or disheartened. Don’t be discouraged. ...

Well…it’s over. But it’s not over. The decisions that were made in the voting booth will ring loudly for the next four years. Some are happy. Some are sad. But now we move forward. And with hesitancy and uncertainty and a pit in the stomach, many ask the question, “What do we tell the children?” Specifically, people are asking this ...

I went to sleep last night at 10 pm. Yep. Ten o’clock. I’ve prayed for months and months and days and days leading up to the election, “Lord, not our will but Yours be done.” I voted and then prayed some more. There was nothing left for me to do. And I was tired. So when the election coverage was ...


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