I was away at a conference this week...I don’t usually get much time alone, so I’m trying to take advantage of this time as I sit looking out my hotel window at the last bit of light in the sky and trying to process everything I’ve heard and seen these past few days. There’s so much, but I’m reminded of ...

For almost the past week, I've been down for the count with some bug that's made me weak and tired. Thankfully, it's moving on now, but for days I was just stuck in bed. And when you don't watch TV and are too tired to read for long, there isn't much to do. Except Pinterest (and I just lost all ...

Unlimited, glorious resources. All the fullness of life and power. He is bigger in us than we realize. Lord, help us to think bigger..... ...

Good morning! This is not a full-on blog today. I just wanted to send just a quick encouragement: He fights for you! ...


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