We can sometimes get caught up in our schedules and routines. Our days are planned down to the nanosecond with no time to spare. All the while... ...

Am I the only one who’s felt more than once as doomsday approaches (er…I mean election day) like you’re in one of those nightmares where the bad guy is chasing you but you can’t move? You’re running and screaming and crying for help, but no one hears and he closes in and you’re stuck in quicksand with the feeling of “There’s ...

I woke up at 3:45 this morning. Yes – the first number was still a three. Now, I’m an early riser, but that’s early even for me. I’d like to say it was because the Lord woke me up to pray or something super spiritual like that. But no – it was because of something I thought I’d overcome many ...

Mikel and I got to sneak away for a couple days. Finally. We’ve been trying to do that since October! And we’re staying at a place up on Lake Erie. The weather hasn’t been amazing. It’s been warm but cloudy and a bit rainy here and there. But hey – we’re away! And that’s all that counts. And we had ...

So I’ve been working on a post about voting and the elections, but it seemed a bit heavy for a day like today, so let’s just take a break from all things politics and celebrate today, shall we? It’s my birthday. My 46th birthday to be exact, although I’m not technically 46 for another few hours. I’m holding on to 45 ...


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