It’s Easter weekend. Resurrection Sunday is tomorrow. There’s a saying we’ve all heard. We said it last night on our Good Friday communion time on Facebook Live. It may be Friday, but Sunday’s coming! Friday. The crucifixion. The darkest day in the history of history. The blessed hope of deliverance from the tyranny of Rome hung between earth and sky. ...

This pandemic. It’s consuming everything. Our conversations. Our thoughts. Our actions. (How much toilet paper did you buy?) We’re living through restrictions. Travel bans. Gathering limits of ten people or less. (We miss hugging our people at church!) You can’t clear your throat in public without someone wanting to quarantine you. For those of us in America who are used ...

“Wait! Jesus was wrong,” I said. “What? Jesus couldn’t have been wrong, could He, mom?” This was my conversation with my daughter last night about John 2. I said that to get her thinking but it sure looked like He was wrong The wine supply ran out during the festivities, so Jesus’ mother told him, “They have no more wine.” ...

My daughter is a junior in high school and has no idea what she wants to do with the rest of her life. And she’s feeling a bit pressured about it. The pressure is not from us but it’s pressure nonetheless. She bounces back and forth between a being teacher and a dental hygienist and an electrician among other things. ...

I was 21 years old and I’d been living in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma for 4 months, attending Bible college and loving life. It was the first time I had been away from home and family, 998 miles away to be exact. I loved my adventure. I loved what I was learning of God and His Word. I loved the people ...


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