What’s so good about Good Friday?

What’s so good about Good Friday? It was one of the darkest days in history, yet we call it “good,” Jesus was beaten, crushed and crucified unjustly and unfairly on this day over 2,000 years ago and we call that good? Why yes, yes we do. And here’s why.

Good Friday didn’t look so good to the disciples. Jesus had told them time and again that He would be killed and raised up on the third day, and they just weren’t having it. In fact, one of the times Jesus brought them in on the plan ahead of time, Peter took Him aside privately and rebuked Him. Corrected Him. Scolded Him. “Heaven forbid, Lord. This will never happen to you!” (Matthew 16)

His closest friends were confused and heartbroken and scared. All but one denied Him and abandoned Him. John alone stayed to the bitter end.

The One on whom they had pinned all their hopes of freedom from the tyranny of Rome had died in defeat instead of triumphing in victory, and they were undone. They didn’t realize the freedom He came to give was far greater than political independence.

Nothing about Good Friday looked good to the disciples.

But it, in fact, was good. The darkest day had to happen on Friday so the light could burst forth in resurrection power on Sunday.

The reason Good Friday is so good is because that was when judgment and wrath met mercy on the cross. It was finished. Justice was satisfied in the surrender and sacrifice of Jesus.

If He had never died that death, He wouldn’t have gone into the enemy’s camp and took back every key of death, hell and the grave. He couldn’t have risen from the dead if He had never died. And we wouldn’t have life if He hadn’t risen from the dead.

When God raised Him up was when He also raised us up with Him and secured our transition from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of the Son of His love. His goal was to reunite us to the Father and when we believe we become children of God. (John 1:12)

I’ve heard people say, “We are ALL God’s children.” But that’s not accurate according to scripture. We are all God’s CREATION, but it’s when we believe and accept what Jesus did on the cross that we become His CHILDREN. The potential is there for everyone. We just have to choose to receive Him.

“And by the blood of his cross, everything in heaven and earth is brought back to himself – back to its original intent, restored to innocence again.”

Colossians 1:20 (tpt)

Good Friday looked anything but good to the disciples and those who personally lived through it. They huddled together Jesus-less, desolate and afraid the next day, processing – “What just happened?” – because it didn’t look good at all.

But from heaven’s perspective and in 20/20 hindsight – it was beyond Good. It was altogether lovely. Wonderful. Amazing. It’s a day to be commemorated and remembered for all eternity because of how Good it was.

May your Good Friday be full of the mercy and grace of our Lord and may God flood your lives with all the good things this day purchased for you. Amen.


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