Water doesn’t jump out of a well

“I’m so dry!” Have you ever felt that way? I hear it in so many conversations lately. I’ve even said it myself. We get busy. Tired. Run down. We don’t have as much time to linger over the Word or in prayer. And then we feel drained and empty and dry.

So hear me out. I had this thought one day:

Water doesn’t jump out of a well.

It’s not rocket science, I know. As I thought about that, it reminded me of this:

Therefore with joy we will draw water out of the wells of salvation.

Isaiah 12:3

Jesus talked to the woman at the well in John 4 about living water being in us an ever flowing well springing up to eternal life. Doesn’t that sound heavenly? Yet so many of us walk around dry as a bone, and it’s difficult to do His work when we’re lacking strength and rest and joy.

So I’ll say it again. Water doesn’t jump out of a well. It takes some level of effort to get it. It must be drawn out.

  • You need to bring a container with expectancy that you’re getting water out of the well.
  • You have to attach your container to the rope.
  • You have to let it down.
  • You have to take time to let it fill up.
  • You have to use your muscles to pull that full bucket back up out of that well.
  • Then you drink it. And oh what refreshing comes from that.

Some of you may be thinking, “I’ve tried that, but I can’t seem to get to the refreshing water.”

There may be other reasons for that. Maybe there’s a cover on your well. For some, we let offense and bitterness act as a lid, covering our well and keeping us from accessing the refreshing water beneath it.

Or maybe the well is plugged up? In Genesis, Isaiah had to unplug the wells of his father Abraham so the water would flow again. Maybe there are things that don’t belong in your well, keeping the water beneath them just out of reach. Things like fear and anxiety, worry and doubt. Things like the cares of this life may be plugging up your water flow.

It’s not that the water isn’t there; it’s just not easily accessible. But I have good news for you.

God wants to help you take the lid off and unplug your well so the water can flow. You can let go of offense and bitterness with forgiveness. (Check back next week to find the sneaky places offense likes to hide.)

You can unplug the cares of this life by casting them on the Lord like Peter tells us to do in I Peter 5:7. Dig out the worry and replace it with trust by feeding your faith on the Word of God.

Water doesn’t jump out of a well.

There is water in your well, and it’s within your power to drink from it. Drop your bucket down. Take the time to fill up.

The refreshing will flow when you take the lid off and remove the debris plugging it up. Keep digging. It’s worth the effort.


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