If you’ve known me any length of time, you know that I love football. Love it. Not because I was raised in a family of boys because I wasn’t. My dad wasn’t a fanatic. Although…we did grow up watching my beloved Browns every Sunday at my grandparents house. (No haters please. Lord, just one before I die 🙂 ) Needless ...

Names are interesting. Everyone has a one. It’s your identity. It’s how you introduce yourself. “Hello! My name is…” It’s with you from birth to death, and you don’t get to pick it. You don’t even get a say in the matter. You’re just stuck with it. Some names have meanings. I looked up the meaning of my name and ...

I worked in the medical transcription field for a few years in the area of podiatry, which includes everything below the knee. Most of it was routine. Sprains and breaks from injuries. Plantar fasciitis. Surgeries for various things. One of the main treatments, especially following surgery or for plantar fasciitis, was physical therapy. PT. And they would tell them, “Go ...

I had a dear friend who lost her mother to cancer this week. Too young. WAY too young. And as I was praying for the family this morning, I heard these words in my heart.... ...

I’ve been reading the One Year Bible every year for almost 25 years now. Some years I stay on track and get all the way through, and some years…not so much. But every year I get through Genesis. I read about creation. The fall. Cain and Able. Enoch. And Noah. I like Noah. Every year there’s something in my journal ...


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