I have an iPhone, and I’ve noticed there are times it can be super fast, but there are times it just drags. And sometimes it seems like the battery just drains without my even using it. One day I was glancing through Facebook while I was in line somewhere (on my phone, of course) and came across an article on ...

Part 2 of the series Prayer Life is available on my podcast, or you can listen to it here. This week we looked at Abiding in the Vine and how it is a vital part of laying a foundation for a successful prayer life. Note: You can view the PowerPoint slides here. Blessings… toni Like this:Like Loading... ...

Somewhere in November, we all got sick. Not at the same time, mind you. One at a time. One would get better, and the next one would get sick. It dragged on and on. So we kind of started watching the Hallmark Christmas movies. All 277 of them. After just watching a few, we recognized a pattern. There was this ...

I’ve always been fascinated with the courtroom and lawyers. I think I would have made a pretty good one. I can sure plead my case when I think I’m right. (Can’t I, honey? 🙂 ) There are two sides to any court case. The Prosecution and the Defense. The accuser and the advocate. They each plead their case and try ...

Prayer. It’s something I’ve been fascinated with for 25 years now. I’ve studied it. I’ve done it. I’ve taught it. I’ve been to prayer conferences and prayer groups and prayer meetings. We pray for our meals and our kids and our pets. And when we don’t know what else to say, we tell people, “I’ll be praying for you.” Prayer is ...


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