toni lagaras


pastor’s wife + speaker + author + podcast host

I have always wanted my life to matter. When I sat in my room and said, “Lord, I’m all in. Use my life however You choose,” I had no idea what that journey would look like. It’s been quite a ride. But whether I was standing behind a pulpit, typing behind a screen, or serving the middle school students lunch (yes, that was part of my journey), the one constant in every season was God. He never changes. I’m so thankful I have a deep walk with God that held me steady through the seasons, and all I want is to take what I’ve learned to help others who are in the same dark seasons I’ve walked through.

Do you want your life to matter? I am a pastor. It’s my vocation. It’s how I earn a living, but that doesn’t make my life any more valuable than yours. No matter what we get paid to do (or do for free if you’re a SAHM), we can make a difference for God right where we are.

One thing that is common for all of us, whether we get paid to minister the Word or minister mathematics in a school, is we all need a solid foundation in the Word of God. And that’s what I offer to you. Through the blogs, the devotionals, the podcasts and videos, I want us to grow together in Him.

I’d love to help your church, ministry or ladies group go deeper as well. I am available for conferences, retreats, prayer seminars, and weekend ministry. Contact me for more information.

My Passion

One of my passions is prayer. It’s my desire to see a prayer force raised up across this globe.

You may be saying, “Toni! I don’t even know how to pray!” Well, that’s okay. I’ve got you covered.

You can download this free journal, Love the Lost through Prayer, and use it as an onramp to your prayer journey. It’s a 28-day devotional, where each day has a focus scripture, a short devotional, a prayer you can pray for yourself, a prayer you can pray for your lost loved-ones and friends, and a place to journal.


What people are saying about Love the Lost:

“I have been praying for 50 years, and this has sparked new fire to my prayer life.” –Robin

“This devotional helped me so much to learn how to pray. I have much more confidence to even pray for other things now.” –Joe

Receive your own free copy when you subscribe. 

Prayer School

Prayer isn’t a calling. It’s practical Christian living. It’s not something only the pastor can do. It’s not limited to people with a special calling to pray.

We are ALL called to pray.

If you feel intimidated by prayer, check out these videos Toni put together to help us all become part of the prayer force God is raising up in these last days.

Yes, you can pray!


Before I ever began writing, I had a passion for teaching the truths of the Word. I have faced many trials and dark seasons in life. Some looked beyond hopeless. Instead of giving in to despair, Toni found hope and strength to keep moving forward in the truths of the Word of God.

Truth gives hope. As long as we have His promises, we always have hope.

Hope can be elusive, especially when days are dark and the struggles are ever present. The good news is, hope is real and we get to choose where we put it. And when we hope in the Lord, we will never be ashamed. (Romans 5:5)

I pray these messages let hope arise and leave you with His grace and healing and life and that they bring you into a closer walk with God. (You can also subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify, Google, or anywhere you find podcasts under Toni Lagaras or Tea With Toni.)

For over 15 years, Toni has been ministering the Word of God in churches, conferences, retreats and small groups, bringing hope, healing, and life to the body of Christ. 

To check out more of Toni’s teachings or if you are interested in having her speak at your church, ladies meeting, prayer conference or event, click the link below. 



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