Years ago, I prayed this little prayer. It became a prayer that defined the desires of my heart, so I wrote it down. It hung on a sticky note on my desk. I wrote it on a 3×5 index card and tucked it in my Bible. I had it hanging over the sink in my kitchen so every time I ...

So….this has been a hot topic lately. Is the church too churchy? Let’s call it a Worship Experience instead of a Church Service. (Ummm…isn’t it the same thing? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet….) Turn the lights off. Make it look like a concert. Don’t raise your hands or get too crazy. Get rid of the ...

In part 4 of Prayer Life, we take a look at another layer in the foundation of a successful prayer life – The Word. His Word is the basis of our faith, it’s what our prayers are founded on, and it carries power when we speak it. We also check out a few things outside of the prayer room that ...

I’ve always been fascinated with the courtroom and lawyers. I think I would have made a pretty good one. I can sure plead my case when I think I’m right. (Can’t I, honey? 🙂 ) There are two sides to any court case. The Prosecution and the Defense. The accuser and the advocate. They each plead their case and try ...

Names are interesting. Everyone has a one. It’s your identity. It’s how you introduce yourself. “Hello! My name is…” It’s with you from birth to death, and you don’t get to pick it. You don’t even get a say in the matter. You’re just stuck with it. Some names have meanings. I looked up the meaning of my name and ...


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