I have always been a rule follower. I never skipped school. I always did my homework. I took my library books back on time. If someone said, “Do it this way,” guess what? I did it that way. I didn’t make waves. I liked to keep the status quo. But I have had a revelation as of late..... ...

What is God teaching me today? RELAX! We are such a "hurry up and get there" society, but in studying the men and women in the Bible and God's hand on their lives, it is evident He is more of a "relax and enjoy the journey because it is going to be longer than you thought" kind of God. It's ...

I remember growing up and going to Geauga Lake (an amusement park) every summer with my family. They had a ride there called the Double Loop. And…that’s what it did. It looped upside down twice. When I was little, that ride was so daunting. It seemed so HUGE! I was actually scared of it…afraid to ride it. But the bigger ...

Okay. I have a confession to make. And I hope it helps you the way it has helped me today. My confession is....I can be a bit of a control freak. (And my husband said a huge AMEN!) I had never really realized it until a few years ago, and believe me, I've really endeavored to change. And I think ...

I have been working on a blog post for days now, but it's not quite done yet. It needs to keep "cooking" just a little bit longer, so I'm not posting it today. But I did want to encourage you with this. Is My arm too short? I know, that's an odd question, but the Lord really helped me with ...


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