You may have noticed, we’re making a few changes to the site. Where did Tea With Toni go? What is Truth Gives Hope? I’ll go into a lot more detail on this in future posts (and maybe even videos?), but for now let’s just leave it with this – it’s been lacking focus for the last year or so, and ...

We all have a morning routine. Things we do day after day after day as soon as we get up. Things we do first. And that list looks different for each of us. I generally head straight to the tea kettle and turn it on. I get a mug down off my shelf, choose a tea flavor, and wait for ...

Who remembers playing the game “Uncle?” It was kind of a mean game, actually, if memory serves me correctly. Someone would inflict some kind of pain or torment on you until you were ready to quit. Ready to admit defeat. Cry for mercy. Uncle! Enough! I give up. Have you ever felt that way in life? Yea, me too. Life ...

There have been so many things happen lately that make me feel helpless. Things that happen to me or to the ones I love that make me ask in utter desperation, “What can I do?” The PARCC assessment tests and the Common Core (don’t get me started on the Common Core) are a couple things that come to mind. Loved ...

In part 4 of Prayer Life, we take a look at another layer in the foundation of a successful prayer life – The Word. His Word is the basis of our faith, it’s what our prayers are founded on, and it carries power when we speak it. We also check out a few things outside of the prayer room that ...
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