Have you ever heard the words, “Well, in my experience…” come from someone? They aren’t usually happy words. They’re never hope-filled, faith-filled words. Maybe you shared a vision or dream you have for something, and they hear you out, think for a minute, and then start in with, “Well, in my experience, I’ve never seen anything like that. It can’t ...

So...in the spirit of the new year, I'm reviewing, thinking, organizing, planning. And in all that, I decided to go back to the beginning and put all my blogs into Evernote. In case I ever decide to discontinue my blog and let it go (which is not in the plan at this point), I wanted a second copy of everything ...

I was one of those crazies that liked school. I liked to learn. I did my homework. I studied. I didn’t dread tests. They were usually pretty easy. Because I studied. Mostly because it came easy to me. But some of those tests could be tricky. Especially those true or false tests where the two answers were not that far ...

So, I was doing some light reading this morning in the book of Jeremiah, and I had the realization of something. Kind of an ‘aha moment.’ God knows more than I do. I know, right? Pretty basic stuff. I’ve always known that. But sometimes when you see it in black and white, the revelation of that gets a little bigger ...

Have you ever been waiting for God to move, waiting for an answer to prayer, standing on a promise, only to have things get worse instead of better? Have you ever gone through something and thought, “Lord, You said Your plans are to prosper me and not to harm me, but I sure don’t see that here. This hurt me. ...


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