I’ve had an elliptical machine in my basement for years, and it does some pretty cool things. If you hold the handles, it updates you on your pulse every minute or so. It tells you how fast you’re going, how many minutes you’ve been exercising, how far you’ve gone, and how many calories you’ve burned. The couple times I’ve actually used ...

I opened my Bible to Deuteronomy 34 today. I love this part of the Word. LOVE. Moses is at the end of his life. He’d just spoken to the people of Israel for the last time in his lifetime. He’d been serving them for 40 years, and it was almost over. It was time to walk into the Promised Land ...

Not to sound old or anything….but back in the day when I was little, we had things like flannelgraphs and Colorforms. Who remembers those? Oh, and paper dolls. Can’t forget the paper dolls. We had to use our imaginations. Boy, those were the days! We used the flannelgraphs at church and on a good day, when they were brand new ...

I don’t think anyone will be surprised to find out I’m more than a few days behind in my daily Bible reading. Seems to happen quite a bit lately. And when one gets behind, it can be easy to turn it more into something to check off a to-do list than something I’m reading to get to know God. When ...

Why? What for? How come? Inquiring minds want to know. We all want to know why at some time or another. The word itself means finding the reason or purpose. If we can just understand why, we think it would help, even though it doesn’t actually change anything. It’s not really a bad question. Why? Maybe….if we just know why…..we ...


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