meet toni

Hi, I’m toni! I’m so glad you’re here. I wish we were sitting down over a hot cup of something (tea for me) and chatting about all the things. But here we are behind the screen, so we will make the best of it.

I’m a pastor’s wife, mom to 3 kiddos (who are adults now – how did that happen?), prayer director at our church, leader to our ladies group Sisterhood, and writer. I love to sit around the table with my people, drink tea, and talk about life and God. I’m 52 years old and not afraid to admit it.

I’ve learned to appreciate all the amazing, chaotic, frustrating, laughter-filled and even tear-filled days. Every wrinkle. Every grey hair. (Okay – maybe not EVERY grey hair, only the ones not covered by hair dye). Age is a privilege denied to many, and I want to squeeze every bit of fun and purpose out of this one life I’ve been given to live.

After attending Bible School in Oklahoma, we moved back home to Ohio for “a year tops.” We’ve been in the same house in our hometown for the last 24 years, and we love it.

Our journey has had more detours than straight lines. It hasn’t always gone according our plan, but God has not been surprised one single time. Our favorite verse continues to prove true in our lives over and over and over.

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

It has been my walk with God that has held me steady, kept me sane, and brought me through every dark night with grace and even joy. I wouldn’t want to relive those dark moments, but I wouldn’t trade the intimacy in knowing Him that I gained through them for anything in the world.

There were seasons that felt so hopeless, but God constantly reminded us that He is faithful. He took us by the hand through His Word and walked us through every single time.

I love how I know Him now and how I’m known by Him, and it’s my life’s purpose to take what He’s given me and share it with everyone I can. If my struggles can help anyone, they were worth going through.

I want everyone to know Him like I know Him, even when He feels far away, which happens more often than not when we’re walking through heartache and heartbreak and struggles. He can feel distant in the easy times too, but that doesn’t mean He isn’t present. He is ALWAYS close.

He never leaves. Not ever. And I pray that through this blog and these podcasts, you’ll learn to know Him, see Him and encounter Him in every season of your life.

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22 years later and still in love


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