In part 4 of Prayer Life, we take a look at another layer in the foundation of a successful prayer life – The Word. His Word is the basis of our faith, it’s what our prayers are founded on, and it carries power when we speak it. We also check out a few things outside of the prayer room that ...

I’ve always been fascinated with the courtroom and lawyers. I think I would have made a pretty good one. I can sure plead my case when I think I’m right. (Can’t I, honey? 🙂 ) There are two sides to any court case. The Prosecution and the Defense. The accuser and the advocate. They each plead their case and try ...

“What did you call me???” Depending on the attitude those words are spoken with, they can mean a lot of different things. Have you ever heard them? Spoken them? They bring back memories of growing up for me. (I have 2 sisters and 1 brother, and let’s just say we didn’t always obey the golden rule.) Names would fly, and ...

We used to play this game at my grandmother's house growing up where you would look all around and focus in on something, and then you would say, "Ridda Marie, Ridda Marie, I see something you don't see, and it's......white." Or whatever color it was. Then everyone else would look around and try to guess what it was. And whoever ...

If you're old enough, when I say the words Krazy Glue, the first image that will pop into your mind is the construction worker hanging high off the ground holding onto his hard hat as he dangles attached to the beam by only Krazy Glue. The idea was he was so convinced that Krazy Glue would hold him, he was ...


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