There are some things I just love about creation. I love to watch a good sunset. I like to get up before the sun and watch the sky change colors as it rises. I love to look up into a clear dark sky at night and see the stars and think of His promise to Abraham. And I love seashells. ...
Good morning! This isn't a full-on blog post this morning. Not that I don't want to write chaotic schedule the last few weeks have kept me from my computer. But it hasn't kept me from Him. We can have restful chaos. Peace right in the middle of the busyness of life. The key is, "Walk with Me." I just ...
For almost the past week, I've been down for the count with some bug that's made me weak and tired. Thankfully, it's moving on now, but for days I was just stuck in bed. And when you don't watch TV and are too tired to read for long, there isn't much to do. Except Pinterest (and I just lost all ...
When Mookie turned 3, all he wanted for his birthday was the Rescue Hero Robot. I let his brother help me wrap it, so he knew what the package looked like. Right before Mookie opened it, Alex leaned over and told him, "That's not just yours. That's to share." (Alex also wanted the Rescue Hero Robot.) Well after that, he ...
Have you ever forgotten something? I mean something really important? Like, you know, your kids? My oldest son ran track last year for the first time, and his practice got done right around the time my youngest got off the bus. So in all the chaos and distraction of Alli getting off the bus, I forgot Alex. A lot. To ...
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