Everything nowadays has to have a wow factor attached to it. It must be instagram worthy to matter. (I used the word “nowadays”. Does that mean I’m old?) I think it would be interesting if God came quietly to an over-saturated, information-overloaded, entertainment-driven generation. And by generation, I mean the definition referring to everyone alive at a given time. We ...
You’d have to be living under a rock to not have heard about the revival that started at Asbury University last week and is still going strong. It’s an answer to a prayer so many have been praying for a long time now. I woke up yesterday with this thought: Hunger is an invitation. Prayer is the portal. Lingering is ...
Let’s get right to it. You are called to the ministry. I am called to the ministry. That doesn’t mean we are all called to pulpit ministry. Ministry isn’t about a platform. We need to define ministry. Ministry is, simply put, our life in service to the King. Ministry isn’t about a platform. It’s about people. What ministry looks like ...
I’ve never been to prison, but I have learned some things from prison. One of which is assignments are temporary, but the call is permanent. Imagine how confined Paul must have felt after all those years of active ministry. He went from missionary trip to missionary trip. He served in between trips at the church in Antioch. He preached in crusades. ...
People ask us all the time, “How do you do everything you do?” Ummmm? Ministry. Kids. Family. All the things. Life is busy for all of us these days. Who else lives tired? “For this purpose I work, striving constantly in reliance upon the strength of Him who is mightily working in me, empowering me.” Colossians 1:29 (tnt) This verse ...
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