Have you ever given someone a surprise gift and had them cover their eyes so they didn't look before just the right time? NO PEEKING!!! Or have you ever gotten a package in the mail before Christmas marked, "Do not open until December 25th," and you really wanted to look? NO PEEKING!!! And the temptation to look, to peek, to ...
When you think of the word "now," what do you think? I learned a whole new meaning of the word on my mission trip to Africa. Check it out... ...
What’s in a name? We all have one. We start hearing it the day we’re born. It’s part of our identity. I’m sure we’ll either hear or say our names hundreds and thousands of times in our lifetimes. Names matter. Check out today's post to see why... ...
Have you ever set your expectation on something and got so excited about it…and then it didn’t happen quite like you thought? Or when you thought? Or how you thought? What do we do when He's too late? ...
I have always been a rule follower. I never skipped school. I always did my homework. I took my library books back on time. If someone said, “Do it this way,” guess what? I did it that way. I didn’t make waves. I liked to keep the status quo. But I have had a revelation as of late..... ...
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