Prayer Life. It’s what we’re all supposed to have. Not just times of prayer. But lives filled with and marked by prayer. By communication with God. By releasing His power into our situations and watching His power and hand moving in our lives. In this 6th and final lesson, we look at a different kind of prayer. It’s good to pray in the midst ...

I was so excited to get to continue the Prayer Life series last night. We are in part 5 and we dealt with the subject of contending. There are times we pray and that prayer is answered immediately. We see an immediate difference in our physical symptoms. Pain is immediately gone. A need is quickly met. But there are those times when we ...

In part 4 of Prayer Life, we take a look at another layer in the foundation of a successful prayer life – The Word. His Word is the basis of our faith, it’s what our prayers are founded on, and it carries power when we speak it. We also check out a few things outside of the prayer room that ...

I had a dear friend who lost her mother to cancer this week. Too young. WAY too young. And as I was praying for the family this morning, I heard these words in my heart.... ...

I’ve been reading the One Year Bible every year for almost 25 years now. Some years I stay on track and get all the way through, and some years…not so much. But every year I get through Genesis. I read about creation. The fall. Cain and Able. Enoch. And Noah. I like Noah. Every year there’s something in my journal ...


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