Slow. Slower. Way Slower. Slower than a giant sea turtle crawling out of the ocean. That’s how I would describe each of the 4 miles I ran today – in that order. When I started my run today, I thought I was doing great. My breathing felt good. My pace felt pretty quick (for me). I was actually feeling pretty ...
I love warm fuzzies. I mean, really. Who doesn’t love a good warm fuzzy moment? When you feel all ooey gooey inside? It’s the best! I’ve been feeling very nostalgic lately. Maybe it’s the season. Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe it’s watching Alex pull out of the driveway and thinking, “Wasn’t he just a baby yesterday?” I’ve been pulling out ...
Something. The word is so vague. It actually means a thing that is unspecified or unknown. When my kids asked me what I was ministering on last week before church, I just said, “Something.” And that’s what it was. Something. We all have one. And we all need to find it. In this podcast, we look at what Something is and how to ...
We’ve all seen the Pinterest life. Creative. Crafty. Uber time-consuming. Totally unrealistic. Pinterest. The grape-kabobs to get your kids to eat fruit in their lunches. Or the kiwi fruit trees: I mean it’s cute and all. And I like a palm tree as much as the next guy….but really? And then there’s me, who for Alli’s 13th birthday did not raid Pinterest for ...
For those of you who’ve been waiting and asking, the podcasts are up from August 5th, Jesus Our Example: Insecurities and from August 9th, Can These Bones Live? Enjoy! I pray they change your life listening to them as much as they changed my life studying them. Blessings… Like this:Like Loading... ...
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