The sun came up this morning. It’s not a news flash – I know! It’s been doing that every day for thousands of years. Well…every day since God said, “Let it be.” I took my front row seat on my porch swing with my first cup of tea for the day and waited. And I waited and waited and ...
I’m loving this quote by Oswald Chambers regarding 2 Peter 1:5 and drudgery. Drudgery is not something we look forward to or embrace, especially in this entertainment-craved culture we’re living in. It’s kind of a funny word, isn’t it? Drudgery. The word means hard, menial, unpleasant, boring, or dull work. Ho-hum! But drudgery is a part of life. And it ...
My people are gone and my house is quiet. Super quiet. It’s a great time to think. I’m actually supposed to be pulling my notes together for the prayer seminar coming up two weeks from today, but I can’t stop thinking back to the events of the past few days. It’s been a big week for NE Ohio. In case you’ve ...
Solomon was a wise man. The wisest man who ever lived, actually. He astounded all of the kings of His day with how wise he was. Israel was in awe of his wisdom and how he ruled. When the Queen of Sheba experienced his wisdom for herself, she was overwhelmed. But….at the end of the day, we don’t want to ...
So….this small-town girl recently took a trip to the Big City – NYC to be exact. It was a super quick trip…we spent a whole 48 hours there. But boy did I see, smell, taste, hear and touch so many things in that short window of time. (And used a lot of hand sanitizer, let me tell you!) I’m from ...
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