I had a tough mom moment last week. My son, who’s a junior in high school, loves to run track. His main race had always been the 400m open; however, this year during indoor season he made the switch to the 800m open. And he did great. At the beginning of the season, his time hovered around 2:08. He had ...

I’ve always loved to read. I have fond memories of my Grandma Broadway teaching me and the two of us sitting on her porch swing, reading and swinging for hours. Back then it was the Cat in the Hat. As I grew, I moved on to Encyclopedia Brown and Nancy Drew. The older I got the bigger my books got. I ...

  It’s Easter weekend. Resurrection Sunday is tomorrow. There’s a saying we’ve all heard. They said it last night at the Good Friday service I attended. It may be Friday, but Sunday’s coming! Friday. The crucifixion. The darkest day in the history of history. The blessed hope of deliverance from the tyranny of Rome hung between earth and sky. Battered. ...

It is finished. Three words that reveal the longing of      all generations.            Brought death. A hidden hope. His final words.   This cry released from blood-stained lips as      the hopes and fears          of all the years was    crushed            beaten     ...

Have you ever been heartsick? Depressed? Frustrated that what you’re waiting so long for something to happen? Everyone’s waiting for something. Maybe it’s getting married. Or having a baby. Or walking into the dream God put in your heart. The “something” is different for everyone. But trust me when I say, everyone’s waiting. For me, it was getting to teach ...


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