Joy can be a tricky thing. Elusive. There one minute and gone the next. It feels as slippery as a bar of soap in the shower. If circumstances and kids and hormones all line up together, then we can grasp it. But we all know those rarely line up. In some seasons, joy is easier than others. It’s smooth in the summer when the ...

Do you feel invisible? Forgotten? Like an airplane in a holding pattern, flying around and around an airport, waiting for its turn to land? It’s moving but it’s not really going anywhere. Do you have God dreams in your heart you can’t wait to accomplish and yet nothing is happening? Is everyone else around you “living the dream” but there you sit, living day-to-day life ...

I was walking my normal route earlier this week, huffing and puffing because I’m not as consistent as I’d like to be and am trying to get as fast as I used to be, and got stopped by a couple who was loading their moving van. They pulled me aside to tell me they’ve been watching me walk by their house ...

I was listening to a podcast today, and I heard a minister say about King Saul, “The reason he failed as king was that he was put into the position too early. He wasn’t ready. He hadn’t learned the lessons in the shepherd’s field before his kingship to help him succeed like David did.” This grabbed my attention and got me to ...

I live in NE Ohio, and we can get some pretty bad storms around here. Everything gets agitated. My dog hides under the bed, shaking. It gets dark, even in the middle of the day. Lightning flashes. Thunder cracks. At times it shakes the house. The winds whip through the trees and the rain comes in torrents, turning my yard ...


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