There are so many voices out there screaming at us. WHO SAID makes all the difference in the world... ...

Have you ever set your expectation on something and got so excited about it…and then it didn’t happen quite like you thought? Or when you thought? Or how you thought? What do we do when He's too late? ...

I have always been a rule follower. I never skipped school. I always did my homework. I took my library books back on time. If someone said, “Do it this way,” guess what? I did it that way. I didn’t make waves. I liked to keep the status quo. But I have had a revelation as of late..... ...

What is God teaching me today? RELAX! We are such a "hurry up and get there" society, but in studying the men and women in the Bible and God's hand on their lives, it is evident He is more of a "relax and enjoy the journey because it is going to be longer than you thought" kind of God. It's ...

Have you ever wanted something really bad? So bad you could taste it? I remember trying out for Cheerleading for the 8th grade and waiting for the call to see if I made the squad….and I didn’t. Then trying out for 9th grade and not making it. Then trying out for 10th grade….and finally – I made the squad. Each ...
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