I love a good vacation. A nice road trip. Pack up the car. Start singing some of those traveling songs…a little John Denver. A little Willie Nelson. Take me home country road or on the road again. (You know you’re singing them in your head. You’re welcome!) Now, I’m a planner. When I take a trip, I like to have ...

Prayer is one of my favorite subjects, and I was excited to get to teach a two-part miniseries on prayer a couple weeks ago at my home church. Some of you have asked me to post it, so here you go! What? What? Why? (Part 1) This is the title of the first message. It answers these questions: What is prayer? ...

Romans 4 says that we are to have faith like Abraham's. He didn't waver. He stood strong. He plunged into the promise, convinced God would do what only He could do. But what does that really look like? In Dare to Trust, we look at Abraham's life to see what his faith looked like and how we can have that ...

What you focus on determines what produces in your life. Is what you're looking at producing faith or fear? Belief or doubt? Are you seeing what He's seeing? What are you looking at? ...

Believe and doubt - they're like two sides of the same coin. And you get to flip that coin every time you hear something. Our beliefs determine our actions and guide our lives. This is HUGE! Who's winning your coin toss? ...
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