Recently at work we had a webinar, and we talked about ways to better manage our client’s calendar. Color coding. Blocking time. Then there was the debate about things that belong on the calendar and things that don’t. One person wanted everything on their calendar from meetings and appointments to their devotion time and brushing their teeth. (Not quite, but ...

It’s the day after Christmas, and my house is still. Everyone’s sleeping but me and my dog. And I’m sitting here by the twinkle lights of my tree just thinking about the past couple of months and how it’s all over. After months of planning. After weeks of shopping and searching for just the right gifts. After hours and hours ...

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It’s also the busiest, craziest time of the year. And I typically start thinking about it in October. At the latest. It is generally about that time I start asking the kids, “What do you want for Christmas? Make a list please!” This year, Alex and Alli got right on it. ...

So, I was doing some light reading this morning in the book of Jeremiah, and I had the realization of something. Kind of an ‘aha moment.’ God knows more than I do. I know, right? Pretty basic stuff. I’ve always known that. But sometimes when you see it in black and white, the revelation of that gets a little bigger ...

Have you ever been waiting for God to move, waiting for an answer to prayer, standing on a promise, only to have things get worse instead of better? Have you ever gone through something and thought, “Lord, You said Your plans are to prosper me and not to harm me, but I sure don’t see that here. This hurt me. ...
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