I have a confession to make. It’s not anything bad…just something you might not know about me yet. I am driven. That’s my personality. I’m driven – especially driven to finish. If I start a puzzle, I don’t stop until it’s done. I’ve been known to do a 1000 piece puzzle in two or three days. If I’m reading a ...

I’ve flown dozens of times, and I’ve never felt the need to study flying before I got on the plane. Never. I don’t understand lift and velocity. I’ve never been in a cockpit. Never learned the names of the instruments or what they do. If something happened to the pilot, I’d be the last person you’d want to take over ...

Have you ever heard the words, “Well, in my experience…” come from someone? They aren’t usually happy words. They’re never hope-filled, faith-filled words. Maybe you shared a vision or dream you have for something, and they hear you out, think for a minute, and then start in with, “Well, in my experience, I’ve never seen anything like that. It can’t ...

I worked in the medical transcription field for a few years in the area of podiatry, which includes everything below the knee. Most of it was routine. Sprains and breaks from injuries. Plantar fasciitis. Surgeries for various things. One of the main treatments, especially following surgery or for plantar fasciitis, was physical therapy. PT. And they would tell them, “Go ...

I was one of those crazies that liked school. I liked to learn. I did my homework. I studied. I didn’t dread tests. They were usually pretty easy. Because I studied. Mostly because it came easy to me. But some of those tests could be tricky. Especially those true or false tests where the two answers were not that far ...
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