Okay, seriously. Who doesn’t want a big ‘ole but? And I’m not talking about the kind you get from ice cream and chocolate. I’m talking about the conjunction – BUT. Now I am deeply discouraged, BUT I will remember you. (Psalm 42:5,6) The righteous person faces many troubles, BUT the Lord comes to the rescue each time. (Psalm 34:19) B-U-T. ...

I went to sleep last night at 10 pm. Yep. Ten o’clock. I’ve prayed for months and months and days and days leading up to the election, “Lord, not our will but Yours be done.” I voted and then prayed some more. There was nothing left for me to do. And I was tired. So when the election coverage was ...

Today is Saturday, November 5th. I got up, turned on my teakettle, and pet my dog. I read my Bible. Prayed. Put the final touches on my message for tomorrow and took my son to the high school for his first speech match. (You have to really love speech to agree to a 6:45 am arrival time.) I ate a ...

We all have a morning routine. Things we do day after day after day as soon as we get up. Things we do first. And that list looks different for each of us. I generally head straight to the tea kettle and turn it on. I get a mug down off my shelf, choose a tea flavor, and wait for ...

Fire is so fascinating to me. I can stare at it forever in the fire pit while we’re roasting s’mores and catching up on life with the family. It’s mesmerizing. It keeps us warm. It cooks our food. (Did I mention s’mores? Yummy!) It can be used as a power source. In days gone by, they even used it to ...
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