I remember growing up and going to Geauga Lake (an amusement park) every summer with my family. They had a ride there called the Double Loop. And…that’s what it did. It looped upside down twice. When I was little, that ride was so daunting. It seemed so HUGE! I was actually scared of it…afraid to ride it. But the bigger ...

When Mookie turned 3, all he wanted for his birthday was the Rescue Hero Robot. I let his brother help me wrap it, so he knew what the package looked like. Right before Mookie opened it, Alex leaned over and told him, "That's not just yours. That's to share." (Alex also wanted the Rescue Hero Robot.) Well after that, he ...

I have been working on a blog post for days now, but it's not quite done yet. It needs to keep "cooking" just a little bit longer, so I'm not posting it today. But I did want to encourage you with this. Is My arm too short? I know, that's an odd question, but the Lord really helped me with ...

Have you ever had something bad happen that turned out to be something good? I think the term is "blessing in disguise." We've probably all heard the story of the family who was ready to set sail for America from overseas. They had saved and planned for the trip for a long time, and then at the last minute, one ...

Good morning! This is not a full-on blog today. I just wanted to send just a quick encouragement: He fights for you! ...
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