How would you answer this question? What would your immediate reaction be? “Would you jump out of an airplane without a parachute for $1,000,000?” “No way!” That’s probably what you’d say, right? It’s certainly what I would respond with. Why? Because I’d be a million dollars richer, but I’d be dead, so what’s the point? But what if I told ...

Election Day has come and gone. Again. I’ve seen quite a few of them in my lifetime. Thank God we don’t have to watch those ads anymore. Am i right? And hopefully all the drama and unfriending on Facebook over political posts is over. Whether you were happy with the results from last night or you woke up depressed about the ...

Seven deaths. Seven deaths in two weeks. My husband and I are pastors, and in the last two weeks alone, we’ve experienced seven deaths around us. Five church members and two in the lives of friends. That’s a lot of funerals. That’s a lot of sadness. Even for an emotionally and spiritually strong person, that’s a hard pill to swallow. Performing ...

My body has been mean to me lately. I’ve been doing this thing for the last lots of months where I wake up early. No matter what time I go to bed, I’m up between 4 and 5 am. Once in a blue moon, I’m able to roll over and go back to sleep. But usually…..I’m wide awake. I don’t ...

Have you ever had someone let you down? They say they’re going to do something, but they don’t? And then…the next time they make a promise, you have this little twinge of doubt with a “we’ll see” thought rolling around your head. Maybe if they’re close to us, the first time we offer grace. And we don’t doubt the second ...
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