Life in = life out. There is a river that we can drink of....the rivers of living water that flow from the throne of God.....but we can also have our roots drinking in of worry, doubt, anxiety, and many other things that contaminate and dilute our water supply. So...What Are You Drinking? ...

Doesn't the thought of getting away sound good right about now? Especially someplace warm and tropical? The thought of sitting on a beach with my feet in the warm sand listening to the sound of the waves sounds AH-MAY-ZING right now! Where all I have to think about is finding a great seashell and eating another pineapple whip. Who doesn't ...

Busy comes in all shapes and sizes and for various reasons. It can be because of a busy season, like Christmas! Or maybe it's because we're planning a special event. Busy can be because we have more kids than hands and they keep us busy from sun up to sun down. People tell me all the time that I'm really ...

I lived in Broken Arrow, OK, during my Bible school years. From my parent's driveway to my apartment parking lot it was exactly 1,000 miles. And like any normal 20-year-old Bible school student, I pulled an all-nighter one night to drive home for Thanksgiving. I was doing great until about 2:00 in the morning. And like any normal 20-year-old Bible ...
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