I have something I need to confess. I like to scare my children. And not just my kids. If I hear them coming, I’ll hide and when they least expect it I jump out at them and they scream. And I laugh and laugh and laugh. I know…mother of the year, right? I have a friend who used to do ...

Today didn’t start like most days for me. Most days, I’m up early and get to enjoy my Bible with my tea and journal and Him in the quiet while everyone’s still sleeping. You know…I get myself filled up for the day. Get my mind lined up with what He is saying. Get my focus in the right place…on Him. ...

It’s November. The thankful month. It’s everywhere you turn. Social media. Church. School. Work. What are you thankful for? I promise not to post a month full of I’m thankfuls…but today, I truly am thankful. I’m thankful for before....... ...

Have you ever seen the movie White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye? I love that movie. I love the part when they go to see the Haynes Sisters perform in Florida, and they start talking about their eye color. One is focused in on blue eyes and the other is focused in on brown eyes. They were both ...

Do you have a favorite scripture verse? I have quite a few, but Psalm 27:8 in the NLT version is one of my favorites! My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” But lately, my schedule seems to have hijacked my response, and instead of saying, "Lord, I am ...
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