Stress. It’s the exertion or weight you put on something, like bridges, airplanes, humans. We can only take so much of it before we break. Stressful situations come. It’s our choice how we respond to them. Jesus said over and over. Don’t worry. Don’t be anxious. Don’t let your heart be troubled. It’s our choice what we do with stress. Whether ...

Jesus told us in Mark 11 to “walk with Me, work with Me, and watch how I do it….that’s how you’ll find real rest.” I don’t know about you, but I could use some rest in this hectic season of my life, so I started searching through the gospels and “watching how He does it.” As I studied Jesus, I ...

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 in The Message Translation, “I’ll show you how to take a real rest..walk with Me, work with Me, watch how I do it.” Well….life has been happening at such a rapid pace that I’ve been on a quest for rest lately. A quest for balance. And that phrase intrigued me. I kept thinking about it. ...

There’s something you should probably know about me. You may have already figured it out if you’ve followed my blog for any length of time. I have a teeny weeny issue of liking to be in control. Just a wee bit. Well…okay…maybe a lot. I like to be in control a lot. Now if it’s something I have no knowledge of ...

It’s my last morning on the mountain where I’ve been on a mini-sabbatical. It’s been a respite of sorts on Pupukea on the North Shore of Oahu. (Thank you Auntie and Uncle for opening your hearts and home to me.) It’s been a time to refresh and journal and write and pray. I had to work some, but I’d get ...
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