Let’s get right to it. You are called to the ministry. I am called to the ministry. That doesn’t mean we are all called to pulpit ministry. Ministry isn’t about a platform. We need to define ministry. Ministry is, simply put, our life in service to the King. Ministry isn’t about a platform. It’s about people. What ministry looks like ...

This pandemic. It’s consuming everything. Our conversations. Our thoughts. Our actions. (How much toilet paper did you buy?) We’re living through restrictions. Travel bans. Gathering limits of ten people or less. (We miss hugging our people at church!) You can’t clear your throat in public without someone wanting to quarantine you. For those of us in America who are used ...

There’s an old hymn that starts, “Take my life and let it be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.” It came to mind today as I read this passage in Mark. It challenged me and shamed me and brought me hope all at the same time. In Mark 8, Jesus describes what it truly looks like to be a disciple. To be ...

It’s the day after Christmas, and my house is still. Everyone’s sleeping but my dog and me. I’m sitting by the twinkle lights of my tree thinking about the past couple of months and how it’s all over. After months of planning. After weeks of shopping and searching for just the right gifts. After hours and hours and hours of ...

Life is not always easy. I think we can all agree on that. There are ups and downs. Twists and turns. Smooth patches and rough places. I’ve had seasons I look back on with great fondness. When I remember them, I’m filled with warm fuzzies and happy thoughts. And then there are times I’d just as soon forget. I think we all ...
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