I’m a bit behind in reading my daily Bible. Okay, a LOT behind. I may or may not be on September 21st. But in my defense, I’ll get to reading, something stands out to me, I start to study it out, and before you know it, I have to get ready for work or something. And then I get even ...

I have a verse I wake up with a lot. It’s one of my favorites. My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” (Psalm 27:8 NLT) And wouldn’t you know it, when I woke up this morning, this verse was the first thing that popped into my head. But ...

Prison. The word does not bring with it warm fuzzies. No happy thoughts there. Prison is never good. It’s a punishment. It’s dark. Dank. Gloomy. There are several prison stories in the Bible that have always brought me hope in the prison-like seasons of my life... ...

Ever have a plan that kept getting changed? Or get hit with one thing after another with no break in sight? Ever wonder why? We can take a little hope from Mark chapter 6 today. There may just be a miracle right around the corner. ...

What are you afraid of? Everyone has something. Indiana Jones and my husband are afraid of snakes. J My daughter is afraid of heights. My dog is afraid of bees. I am afraid of never seeing the sun again (I live in Ohio after all). Fear is a natural reaction to something that can cause us harm. And it’s not ...
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