I had the honor to minister this past Sunday, and I titled it Calgon Take Me Away – What to do When You’re Overwhelmed. We got home from church, and my son said, “Mom, I don’t know what your title meant.” Boy, did I feel old. Remember that Calgon commercial with the over-stressed woman? And they tried to sell us on Calgon by making ...

One year we spent the 4th of July with my parents at their cottage on the Lake. It had been rainy off and on for days, but we had some nice weather that day. Beautiful actually. We really wanted to take the boat about 8 miles up and all the way across the lake to watch the fireworks. There were ...

Last week was pretty crazy. Stressful actually. And I have the cold sore to prove it. Anyone else have a week like that? Between planning an event for my client next week and all the tiny minutia related to that, and working on 3 other events next month for him, and Sisterhood stuff at church. And band concerts and snow ...

Details are a part of life. My work is very detailed oriented. So is my life. And between my clients and church and the kids, I keep a lot of lists going. Especially now when you throw in the holiday season, I have a lot of lists. A. LOT. OF. LISTS. Besides the every-day work and kid tasks, there’s decorating ...

Today didn’t start like most days for me. Most days, I’m up early and get to enjoy my Bible with my tea and journal and Him in the quiet while everyone’s still sleeping. You know…I get myself filled up for the day. Get my mind lined up with what He is saying. Get my focus in the right place…on Him. ...
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