Jesus told us in Mark 11 to “walk with Me, work with Me, and watch how I do it….that’s how you’ll find real rest.” I don’t know about you, but I could use some rest in this hectic season of my life, so I started searching through the gospels and “watching how He does it.” As I studied Jesus, I ...

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30 in The Message Translation, “I’ll show you how to take a real rest..walk with Me, work with Me, watch how I do it.” Well….life has been happening at such a rapid pace that I’ve been on a quest for rest lately. A quest for balance. And that phrase intrigued me. I kept thinking about it. ...

There’s something you should probably know about me. You may have already figured it out if you’ve followed my blog for any length of time. I have a teeny weeny issue of liking to be in control. Just a wee bit. Well…okay…maybe a lot. I like to be in control a lot. Now if it’s something I have no knowledge of ...

My family has rented a condo on the beach every summer for the last few years, and I’m so thankful we’re able to do that. It’s got an ocean view, and we have a screened-in lanai that opens right off the living area. #blessedandthankful There’s also a gazebo out past the dunes right on the beach with an unobstructed view ...

So. Funny story. I was blessed with some standby passes on an airline. I can go anywhere they fly whenever I want. There just has to be an open seat unclaimed by anyone else higher up on the food chain than I am. Which sometimes is super easy….and sometimes….well…not so much. The kids are out of school. The concert is ...
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