Last night at church we had our First Wednesday Worship night. It’s a time we set aside each month just to worship the Lord. My husband wasn’t able to be there right when it started, so I got to open the service and the Lord gave me a word of encouragement to share. “It’s the end of the day, and ...

My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” (Psalm 27:8 NLT) Some days I wake up with this verse and jump out of bed. But some days….like this time….I just want to roll over and pull the covers over my head. Like when it’s only ten minutes to four ...

Seven deaths. Seven deaths in two weeks. My husband and I are pastors, and in the last two weeks alone, we’ve experienced seven deaths around us. Five church members and two in the lives of friends. That’s a lot of funerals. That’s a lot of sadness. Even for an emotionally and spiritually strong person, that’s a hard pill to swallow. Performing ...

Are you a morning person or a night person? I’m an early riser. I’ve never really been a good sleeper. Back in the teenager days when you’re supposed to sleep until noon, 7:00 am seemed to be my limit. But these days, 7:00 would be heaven. It would be sleeping in by a couple hours. And it’s not by choice. ...

Why do there have to be storms? Why do we go through the fire? Have you ever asked these questions? Sunday while driving to church, it echoed through my heart, almost as if I could hear someone desperately crying out to God, “Why is this happening? Why does there have to be a storm?” The pat answer is that we live ...
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