Election Day has come and gone. Again. I’ve seen quite a few of them in my lifetime. Thank God we don’t have to watch those ads anymore. Am i right? And hopefully all the drama and unfriending on Facebook over political posts is over. Whether you were happy with the results from last night or you woke up depressed about the ...

Today is Saturday, November 5th. I got up, turned on my teakettle, and pet my dog. I read my Bible. Prayed. Put the final touches on my message for tomorrow and took my son to the high school for his first speech match. (You have to really love speech to agree to a 6:45 am arrival time.) I ate a ...

I woke up at 3:45 this morning. Yes – the first number was still a three. Now, I’m an early riser, but that’s early even for me. I’d like to say it was because the Lord woke me up to pray or something super spiritual like that. But no – it was because of something I thought I’d overcome many ...

I love warm fuzzies. I mean, really. Who doesn’t love a good warm fuzzy moment? When you feel all ooey gooey inside? It’s the best! I’ve been feeling very nostalgic lately. Maybe it’s the season. Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe it’s watching Alex pull out of the driveway and thinking, “Wasn’t he just a baby yesterday?” I’ve been pulling out ...

Details are a part of life. My work is very detailed oriented. So is my life. And between my clients and church and the kids, I keep a lot of lists going. Especially now when you throw in the holiday season, I have a lot of lists. A. LOT. OF. LISTS. Besides the every-day work and kid tasks, there’s decorating ...


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