Have you ever forgotten something? I mean something really important? Like, you know, your kids? My oldest son ran track last year for the first time, and his practice got done right around the time my youngest got off the bus. So in all the chaos and distraction of Alli getting off the bus, I forgot Alex. A lot. To ...

Do you have a favorite scripture verse? I have quite a few, but Psalm 27:8 in the NLT version is one of my favorites! My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming.” But lately, my schedule seems to have hijacked my response, and instead of saying, "Lord, I am ...

Busy comes in all shapes and sizes and for various reasons. It can be because of a busy season, like Christmas! Or maybe it's because we're planning a special event. Busy can be because we have more kids than hands and they keep us busy from sun up to sun down. People tell me all the time that I'm really ...
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