This or That?

People are trying to run out of 2020 like a bear is chasing them. Other than Christmas, they’ve pretty much checked out of the last few weeks of this year. Do you know anyone like that?

They’re barely holding on, waiting for the ball to drop on New Year’s Eve, as if the flip of the calendar page and singing Auld Lang Syne is going to magically change everything!

Does anyone even sing that anymore? Besides me that is. It plays in my head every time I think of New Year’s Eve. Singing Auld Lang Syne literally carries with it the intent to bring to mind old friends and honor what is passing. In this case, we’re honoring the events of the year we’re leaving behind and how they impacted our life, good or bad.

It gives the concept that we are to marinate in these precious moments of life from the present year. It gives us closure as we walk into a new year and sparks hope for what lies just ahead.

There’s a game making the rounds on social media right now called This or That. It looks something like this:

There’s a list of things to choose between. Beach or Mountains? Rain or Snow? The object is to have some fun. Get to know your friends. Get to know yourself.

I’ve got some This or That questions for us over the next couple weeks. They’ll help us remember some things and honor what is passing so we can tie up 2020 with a nice, neat bow and run – NOT LIMP – into 2021 with all it holds for us. New mercies. Unlimited possibilities. Fresh hope.

But we’ll need to marinate in this year together for just a few moments, the enjoyable ones and the not so enjoyable ones too. Are you up for it?

We need to remember this. God’s not up in heaven wishing 2020 away. He isn’t perplexed or defeated by the events that unfolded for us globally, nationally or personally this year. None of it caught Him by surprise or knocked Him off His throne.

God’s not sitting next to Gabriel and Michael saying, “Angels, what are we going to do now? Boy this year really caught me off guard. How are we going to connect this mess to 2021? Maybe you have some ideas?”

No. God’s not nervous. He isn’t wringing His hands in despair, but He is waiting for the church to stop wringing hers and begin to act like God is God. Act like Jesus really did rise from the dead and conquer death, hell and the grave.

He’s waiting for the church to take a minute and remember that all of hell trembles when WE speak His Name. Let’s say it out loud right now. Jesus. Jesus.

J E S U S!

Get ready to reflect. Get ready to remember. And get ready to position yourself to enter 2021 full of power and strength and peace as we play This or That this month.

God isn’t concerned, and we are to take our cues from Him. If God isn’t worried then we shouldn’t be either. Is the future a mystery to us? Sure it is! But we need to remember something else:

What is unknown to us is already ordered in heaven.

And what God has ordered will come to pass. But He needs a church who is cooperating with Him and not fighting against Him. We can relax and have faith in God. He’s never let us down before and He never will.

He will be right there walking with us through the rest of 2020 and on into 2021 and beyond. He sees our future already and He calls it good. And so should we.

You’ve gone into my future to prepare the way,
and in kindness you follow behind me
to spare me from the harm of my past.
With your hand of love upon my life,
you impart a blessing to me. (Psalm 139:5 tpt)


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