Wait? Was Jesus wrong?

“Wait! Jesus was wrong,” I said. “What? Jesus couldn’t have been wrong, could He, mom?”

This was my conversation with my daughter last night about John 2. I said that to get her thinking but it sure looked like He was wrong

The wine supply ran out during the festivities, so Jesus’ mother told him, “They have no more wine.” “Dear woman, that’s not our problem,” Jesus replied. “My time has not yet come.” (John 2:3-4 NLT)

Surely Jesus wasn’t wrong. Of course He would know if it was His time or not. And if He said it wasn’t His time, then by golly (do people still talk that way?) it wasn’t His time!

That really should have been the end of the story. But we all know it wasn’t. This ended in a miracle instead of everyone just drinking plain old water at the end of the wedding.

Why? Because Jesus was wrong about the timing of His first miracle?

Ummm….no way. I don’t think Jesus was wrong. I believe it was because something was released into the atmosphere that Jesus could not deny.


His mom didn’t argue with Him. She could have. But the one person in the whole world that knew who He was and what He was capable of doing instead turned to the servants and released her faith by saying, “Do whatever He tells you to do.”

When we release our faith it gets God’s attention. And He acts.

Jesus could have walked away. He could have said, “Now woman, I said My time has not yet come and I MEANT My time has not yet come. Now leave Me alone.”

But He didn’t. Faith was released, and it got His attention. He responded and water was turned into wine. Because faith was released, verse 11 is in the Bible.

This miraculous sign at Cana in Galilee was the first time Jesus revealed His glory. And His disciples believed in Him. (John 2:11 NLT)

Because Mary was bold enough to believe and say what she believed, Jesus revealed His glory for the first time. And He still reveals it today when we release our faith.

I’ve experienced it firsthand in my own body. I’ve seen it as God has healed my husband and my daughter. I’ve seen it in our church members, most recently in one who was healed of diabetes and whose doctor took her off all medications and insulin because she dared to believe.

Glory to God!

Maybe you’ve released your faith and haven’t seen the manifestation of glory in your situation yet. Keep releasing it. He is faithful and you will see it if you don’t let go.

No – Jesus wasn’t wrong. He probably had no intention of performing a miracle at that wedding. Revealing His glory was likely the furthest thing from His mind.

But He cannot deny faith. He cannot stay inactive when faith is released. Will you release yours today? Your miracle is waiting for you.


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