Jesus said, “If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father.” Why? Because of intimate relationship. They were One. Can people say that about us? When they see us, they see the Father? They see Jesus? We are also to be One with them in the same way. God’s voice can and will thunder over the chaos and clutter of our ...

Let’s get right to the point. It’s our choice whether we complain or praise our way through our day. Usually, when pressure is applied to the flesh, the mouth opens and complaining comes out. We talk about the problem. How bad it is. What are we going to do and why is this happening to me? Can I get an ...

I’ve read this in my Bible before, maybe a hundred times. It wasn’t underlined. It had never stuck out to me before. I didn’t have any notes in the margin about it. And trust me, my margins are all noted up. But today… it screamed to me about the loving care of God. Moses told his father-in-law everything the Lord had done to ...

Ever have a time you really needed to talk to someone, but no one was there? Your spouse didn’t answer the phone. Or your mom. Or your dad. Or your best friend. Sometimes even God seems quiet. It’s at that time you will find yourself having THE most important conversation you’ll ever have. David found himself in just this predicament. (I Samuel 30). He ...

I was an escapist reader growing up. I would dive into a novel and live the life of the heroine. Life wasn’t always cheery. Nowhere near it actually. And it gave me a reprieve. I’m thankful for the healing I’ve received in Christ. I have nothing to escape from now. But as I read the Bible, I still find I put myself in the ...


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