I love days where I don’t have to get up and out the door in a hurry. Days I can linger and reflect and enjoy the peace and quiet of my living room. This Thanksgiving is one of those days for me. As I sit here by the twinkle lights of my tree, I’m thankful. Thankful for my boys, who ...

Writing. I love it. And I hate it. I started this blog in 2013 when my job was eliminated and I wanted to use my unemployment wisely. I’ve always loved the Word. Loved to read it. Dig into it. To soak in its truths and share it with others. It was the perfect outlet to take what the Holy Spirit ...

Election Day has come and gone. Again. I’ve seen quite a few of them in my lifetime. Thank God we don’t have to watch those ads anymore. Am i right? And hopefully all the drama and unfriending on Facebook over political posts is over. Whether you were happy with the results from last night or you woke up depressed about the ...

You may have noticed, we’re making a few changes to the site. Where did Tea With Toni go? What is Truth Gives Hope? I’ll go into a lot more detail on this in future posts (and maybe even videos?), but for now let’s just leave it with this – it’s been lacking focus for the last year or so, and ...


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