All Means ALL!

I’ve read this in my Bible before, maybe a hundred times. It wasn’t underlined. It had never stuck out to me before. I didn’t have any notes in the margin about it. And trust me, my margins are all noted up.

But today… it screamed to me about the loving care of God.

Moses told his father-in-law everything the Lord had done to Pharaoh and Egypt on behalf of Israel. He also told about all the hardships they had experienced along the way and how the Lord had rescued his people from all their troubles. (Exodus 18:8)

Do you see it? hang with me.

Moses was chatting it up with his father-in-law, telling him all the miracles God did for them. And it hit me.

He rescued them from their enemies and their hardships.

And there’s a difference.

Pharaoh was an enemy. A fear-instilling, powerful enemy. Being hungry was a hardship.

We face enemies. Cancer. Debilitating depression. Loss of a job. Sickness and oppression of all shapes and sizes. They’re powerful. Fear-instilling. Scary.

And we have hardships. The car breaks down. Where’s that money coming from? The bills are paid, but there’s no money for food. The kids need shoes or we need medicine. Lack. Need. Hardship.

The same powerful God that crushed Pharaoh and his entire army also provided food to eat and water to drink and made sure their clothes didn’t wear out.

As I read that today, I saw in the 42 words of that verse the faithful love of a Father as well as the strong arm of a powerful God.

He hasn’t changed, you know. He can heal cancer and provide a need all in the same day. And He cares about both.

His healing power covers cancer, a headache, and a hangnail, and He wants to meet our needs. College tuition and a tank of gas. If it matters to us it matters to Him.

Sometimes we feel we shouldn’t bother Him with the small things. But that’s just stinkin’ thinking. No need is too big nor any care too small to bring to Him. He wants us to come to Him with all of it.

Read this verse and let it wash over you today:

Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully. (I Peter 5:7)

I did a study on the word all, and do you know what it means? All means ALL. Every one. Not leaving anything out. The full amount. ALL.

Say it out loud:

He cares for me.

Now say it again:

He cares for me. He’s concerned about all of it. I will bring Him ALL.

Don’t be afraid. He is bigger than any mountain you’re facing, and He WANTS to provide your needs. Go ahead and let go of the fear and lean into Him and trust. He will prove Himself faithful to you.


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