I was walking my normal route earlier this week, huffing and puffing because I’m not as consistent as I’d like to be and am trying to get as fast as I used to be, and got stopped by a couple who was loading their moving van.
They pulled me aside to tell me they’ve been watching me walk by their house for years….in sunny weather and cold weather and snowy weather, faithfully walking. It encouraged them and they wanted to tell me to keep up the good work.
I found that a tad bit creepy. And it brought to mind a song from the 80’s. “I always feel like somebody’s watching me…”
But it also made me feel very motivated to keep walking, even though I get discouraged because I’m not super consistent. Even when I don’t feel like it. Even when I wonder if it’s really making a difference because I’m not losing any weight (which probably has to do with the whole consistency thing).
After someone encouraged me, it made me want to keep on going.
I thought I was out there all by myself. But I wasn’t. When I didn’t think anyone was watching what I was doing, someone was. And they were encouraged. Inspired even.
I inspired them and I didn’t even know I was doing it.
It’s the same way with our Christian walk.
You’re inspiring someone and you may not even know it.
Somewhere someone is watching the fruit of your consistent (even if you’re not as steady as you’d like to be) daily walk with God, and it’s making a difference. You’re encouraging them to keep pressing on without saying a word.
They may never see you read your Bible or bow your head in prayer, but you’re making an impact with your kind words and patience and love.
I worked with a woman years ago who definitely needed Jesus in her life. She was bitter and angry, antagonistic even, but I didn’t let it bother me. I just consistently loved her right where she was. Day in and and day out I stayed steady.
Nothing changed that I knew of until a year after I left for Bible School. I got a letter from her letting me know she accepted Christ. She thanked me for being so consistent. That’s what ultimately led her to the Lord.
Sometimes we know they’re watching. Sometimes they’re just being creepy about it. But people are watching, and we’re inspiring them, even if we don’t know it.
So let me be like the creepy moving couple and tell you – you’re doing a great job. Stay steady and keep up the good work! You’re making a difference that only eternity will reveal.
So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. (Galatians 6:9 nlt)
Love it Ton, so try! Keep on keeping on!?