Why do there have to be storms? Why do we go through the fire? Have you ever asked these questions? Sunday while driving to church, it echoed through my heart, almost as if I could hear someone desperately crying out to God, “Why is this happening? Why does there have to be a storm?” The pat answer is that we live ...
It’s Easter weekend. Resurrection Sunday is tomorrow. There’s a saying we’ve all heard. They said it last night at the Good Friday service I attended. It may be Friday, but Sunday’s coming! Friday. The crucifixion. The darkest day in the history of history. The blessed hope of deliverance from the tyranny of Rome hung between earth and sky. Battered. ...
It is finished. Three words that reveal the longing of all generations. Brought death. A hidden hope. His final words. This cry released from blood-stained lips as the hopes and fears of all the years was crushed beaten ...
There are times, no matter how strong we are…no matter how much faith we have… the weight of the world is on our shoulders. The mountain won’t move. The miracle isn’t coming. Nothing is changing and attacks seem to be coming from everywhere. So many feelings swirl around our heads. I’m buried. I’m drowning. I am overwhelmed. It’s usually a time we ...
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