Am I the only one who’s felt more than once as doomsday approaches (er…I mean election day) like you’re in one of those nightmares where the bad guy is chasing you but you can’t move? You’re running and screaming and crying for help, but no one hears and he closes in and you’re stuck in quicksand with the feeling of “There’s ...

Hey everyone! I know it’s been an age since I’ve written anything. I’m working on that. I’ll have something out soon. I promise. Until then, I wanted to let you know that the podcasts from my series Add To Your Faith are available. You can click the links below, the links on the sidebar of the blog, or on iTunes podcast page ...

Culture can only reign when the church does not. God has given authority to the church to pray. To speak. To declare His will on this earth. And in these four sessions, we take an in depth look at what it looks like to reign in this life through prayer. We had such a powerful time at the Send the Rain Prayer Seminar ...

Money. It’s something we all have, want, and need to live life. And we tell our kids all the time, “Think before you spend. Think it through. You can only spend it once. Spend it wisely.” What I read in my daily Bible this morning made me think of that. It’s good advice for more than just money. You know that Stephanas and his household ...

I woke up at 3:45 this morning. Yes – the first number was still a three. Now, I’m an early riser, but that’s early even for me. I’d like to say it was because the Lord woke me up to pray or something super spiritual like that. But no – it was because of something I thought I’d overcome many ...


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