I have read the Christmas story in Luke hundreds of times. Hundreds. And sometimes, if we let it, it can get a little ho-hum. Last week as I was reading it again to minister out of it, I got stuck, and wrecked (in a good way), by one verse. That’s when I wrote the blog post, Oh The Wonder, last week. In ...

She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped him snugly in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them. (Luke 2:7) And there, in one verse, is the longing of millions of hearts who searched for Him for centuries. Who waited. Craving a Savior. In one verse, so unassuming, ...

I’m a little behind. Four words that perfectly describe my life right now. As I write, it’s just past Thanksgiving, and I’m already behind on my Advent devotional. The calendar says November 27th but my daily Bible says November 12th. My goal of exercising four times last week turned out to be zero times. Sigh. How will I ever lose this weight? ...

I put myself through Bible School way, way, way back in 1991. I was only 21 years old without much experience doing anything other than working as a bank teller. So, that’s what I did. Let me tell you, the money was just rolling in (said with dripping sarcasm and eyes rolling). The first year was a struggle, paying rent and ...


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